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Mask collapsed after a few minutes with pixel loss turned on


DF Vagrant
So I have been training on SAE for the last few days and the previews looked pretty perfect except for the eyes, which for some reason at times looked like the subject was wearing those spooky white out contact lenses. I didn't know what else to do so I trained again (after 250k interations) with pixel loss. Within 5 minutes the previews were blank and when I converted to see what had happened the face was completely blacked out. 

Is there any way to get the old ones (pre pixel loss) back or are they gone for good. 
Has anyone else seen white contact lenses issue and is there a way around it for the future. I think it may be because the src subject has really light blue eyes and the src pictures had many impages where the eyes weren't directed at the camera


Verified Video Creator
Don't take my word for it. But if you did not have autobackup running, or made manual backups, the model is most likely trash. Clipgrad would probably prevented it from collapsing. If you already did not have it on. The risk is still there when dealing with pixel loss or any style_powers.
I've seen some of the same issue you had with eyes. It usually improves when I remove frames from clips, and solely train hq still pics for a time. With the new saehd, the teeth seems like they've grown together. So there is still some bugs, even if the overall feel is really impressive.