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Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford Porn

  • Birthplace: DeKalb, Illinois, USA
  • Age: N/A
  • Height: 175
  • Weight: 0
  • Website: N/A

Famous as one of the original supermodels of America, Cynthia Ann Crawford or Cindy Crawford is one of the very few names, who have revolutionised the fashion industry. When young, she worked with the biggest fashion brands and posed for endless magazines to etch her name in the glamour business. Even today, years after she quit modelling, she is recognised as a fashionista, who is not just beautiful but extremely smart as well! Once a brilliant student, she gave up her academics for her modelling career, turning towards business a while later. She knew, relying just on modelling as a career in the long run is not wise as time would fade her image, especially with the advent of fresher models and of course with age. Therefore, she embarked on a separate journey as a television host, actor and as a businesswoman. She has displayed her creativity through her line of furniture, cutlery, silverware, bed linens etc. to emerge as one of the most successful businesswomen from the fashion industry. Besides, she is a philanthropic involved in various charitable programs and also spreads awareness regarding various types of cancer.

Cindy Crawford Nude Photo Fakes - Recent

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