Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) making first contact in banned Star Trek Episode

Pre Processing of src
NeatVideo Denoise
Super Resolution 2.0
Basic color and gamma corrections
DFL enhance faceset

Pretrained model: 128 DF 256 64 64 16
Final iterations: 246840

face_style_power: 0.01
bg_style_power: 2.0
ct_mode: sot

Color Transfer: none
Super Resolution: 80
Mask Mode: learned-dst

Post Processing
NeatVideo Denoise
Downsize/Crop to 1272 x 720
MSU Noise Generator (perceived increased sharpness and visual unification)
Downpitch of voice by 20% (girl`s voice was too squeaky)

Given the absolute crap quality of the src (576p, blurry, noisy, bad lighting) the result is pretty good.